Christine Menard posted on October 22, 2018 08:44

Turkey Day at The Family Pantry of Cape Cod
The distribution of over 500 turkeys , will be held on November 18th. Family Pantry clients with three or more members in their household are able to register to receive this holiday tradition. Donated frozen turkeys and fruit pies are gratefully accepted at The Family Pantry in Harwich through November 12th.
Toy Day at The Family Pantry of Cape Cod
The Pantry elves are planning to hand out toys, pajamas, gift cards, games and puzzles, to 1,000 Pantry children on December 16th. Children of Pantry clients, up to 14 years old, must be pre-registered. New unwrapped toys, family games and puzzles (1000 pieces) can be donated at the Family Pantry. Gift cards for older Children also are welcome.
The Family Pantry of Cape Cod 133 Queen Anne Road Harwich, MA 02645 508-432-6519