Joseph Aucoin posted on November 21, 2011 04:43

The Family Pantry was fortunate to have hosted a group of Americorps volunteers who made significant contributions to the prosperity of the Family Pantry Garden. For more photos of the Americorps team click here.
The Family Pantry continues to prosper thanks to the direction and support of the Garden Committee. Thanks to Patty Watson for for her efforts in expanding the volunteer staff to include Americorps as pictured above and the Orleans Court Community Service Group. The Orleans group was networked thru Jen Bayuk who works for Nauset Disposal and is part of a Garden subcommittee.
Also of interest is that the Garden Committee is hosting a review of the 2011 garden season on October 24th at 10:00 AM. This event will be held at The Family Pantry building in Harwich. All those interested in reviewing the progress made to date as well as those those that would consider being a part of the 2012 Garden Committee are urged to attend.
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