Joseph Aucoin posted on July 17, 2012 18:18

June - July 2012 E-newsletter Dear Friend of The Family Pantry of Cape Cod, Summertime and the living is easy, but not for everyone. Here at The Family Pantry of Cape Cod we continue fullfilling our mission of providing food and clothing to those in need. We consistently see new clients each shift. People like you and me that have fallen on hard times. This email encourages us to think about our neighbors that have less and perhaps inspire us to reach out to help with these summer time requests. Our Free Clothing Boutique Needs Donations In addition to distributing food, we also give away free clothing to our clients. This summer we are falling short with our stocks of clothes. As many of you know, we take clothes that are out of season and store them to give away in the proper season. With the interior remodification, we were slightly short on storage space this past winter and therefore we have gone through a good bit of our summer clothes. Please check your closets, your kid's/grandkid's closets for out-grown clothes and send them our way. A volunteer will help you unload your car if pull around to the back of the warehouse when we have staff here (Tuesdays 8-3:30, Thursday 8-12, 1:30-3:30, 5-7, Saturdays 9-12). Thank you for considering this special request. RECONFIGURATION... Our interior reconfiguration project is almost completed and we couldn't be happier with the results. One of our Team Leaders, Kathy Muller, commented this morning about the incredible positive changes we have experienced in the past six months. As she said we don't even remember anymore that we were operating in work spaces way too small for the operation and now it is just a pleasure to have the room to operate efficiently. The interview room has been operational for 5 or 6 weeks and it is so nice to be conducting interviews in a more confidential and dignified manner. The boutique is now in its new space and it is also quite efficient and well organized. The boutique sorting area is just waiting for a few lights. The office is the area now under construction but that should be completed within a week or two. We invite anyone who hasn't been in to stop by and see for yourself. Volunteers Openings We had a very positive response to our June Newsletter Volunteer postings. The following are some spots that are still available: 1. Garden Volunteers - Thursdays We are seeking garden volunteers for Thursday 9-12. We are currently harvesting green beens and radishes! In August, you'll be hearing about our need for a Volunteer Garden Supervisor for the Fall months. 2. Second Glance Thrift Shop - Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays We are seeking Team Leader for 3 hour shifts Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays throughout the year. 3. Bottles and Cans - Mondays in the fall Please contact Patty Watson for more information at 508-432-6519, pwatson@thefamilypantry.com. Garden Tumbler What's a "Tumbler"? Check out what our Garden Supervisor Sara Weller created and come visit our productive garden while we are harvesting! http://familypantrygarden.tumblr.com/ Sincerely, Mary Anderson Executive Director The Family Pantry of Cape Cod 133 Queen Anne Road Harwich, MA 02645 508-432-6519 manderson@thefamilypantry.com
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