Joseph Aucoin posted on April 10, 2012 19:57

Sometimes in the rush of everything that is going on here at the pantry we lose sight of why we are here. Below is a note we received from a client and it is a good reminder of what we are all about. I would like to extend a huge thank you to the volunteers who help so many people everyday. Those of us who have so much need to think about what it must be like to have your child think it is Christmas because the refrigerator and food cabinets are full. "I would like to thank your wonderful woman and men for what you did for my family yesterday. My son came home and you would of thought it was Christmas. He opened the cabinets and refrigerator and yelled mommy mommy.....come look come on mom take my hand lets go see! He was so excited to come home and eat fruit, and top roman for dinner. Myself and my husband said wow it is amazing when you have no food, and when you finally receive food and the security it gives yourself and children, how you appreciate EVERYTHING. There was a precious woman yesterday who did my intake, she took me under her wing like my mother would. She is an angel, and I believe the Lord put her where she is today to help people like myself get through hard times. I will always have the memory of her sweet comforting face, in my thought. Dear God thank you this woman and creating her in all your glory. And thank you food pantry, you saved my family's life. God Bless you all." New Board Members At the March meeting the Board of Directors elected two new Directors: Attorney Matthew Kelley and David Metzler. Neither Matt nor David are strangers to the pantry and both will bring additional strength to the Board. Please join me in welcoming Matt & David to the pantry family. At the same time new officers were elected. For the upcoming year our officers will be: Richard Waystack - President, Amy Camenga - Vice President, Kellie Marchant - Secretary, and Brian Michaelan - Treasurer. Anniversary Luncheon March 21st was a gorgeous day and volunteers who achieved 5, 10, 15 or 20 or more years of service by year end 2011 were honored at a luncheon which was held at the delightful Chatham Wayside Inn. This is the second year we have held this event and both times we were fortunate to have the gracious support of Shane Coughlin and David Oppenheim at the Wayside Inn. The delectable three course meal and exquisite dining room were only overshadowed by the service of the very gracious Wayside Inn Staff. Our honorees this year were Five years service: Virginia Boehlke, Pete Moynaugh, Anne Price, Dave Ryer, Brian Dunphy, John Healy, and John Mahan Ten years service: Anne Kavanaugh and Jane Mac-Afee Fifteen years service: Claudia Crockett, Susan Delahunt, Marie Hayes, Charlie Tobin, Anne Watson, Pete Watson Joe Redmond, Frank Hynes, and Tom Plunkett Twenty or more years service: Denny Duggan, Elizabeth Duggan , Brian Duggan, Bob Greene, Joanne Greene, Helen Marsden, George Morris, Mary Morris, Gene Kirk, Joan Kirk, Joan Shea, Mary Eagan, Mary Sullivan, and Carol Ann Gallo Celebrate the Family Pantry of Cape Cod fundraising event Tom and Shelly O'Neill, Jeff and Krista Leerink, David and Nicky Metzler, Jim and Alina Apteker and Demitri and Sarah Dasco are hosting a benefit for the pantry at Wychmere Beach Club on Friday June 1st from 6-9PM. There will be cocktails and hors d'oeuvres and special performances by Livingston Taylor and Jimmy Tingle. Tickets are $100 each. Please contact Mary Anderson if you are interested via or 508-432-6519 x 5. There are also four sponsorship levels available (ranging from $5,000 to $500) which you may also ask Mary about Calvary Baptist Mobile Pantry - volunteers needed Following the devastating fire at Calvary Baptist Church in Hyannis there are several sub-groups working to pick up the pieces: worship, reconstruction, meals program and you guessed it pantry program! As some of you may know the Greater Boston Food Bank came down 2 weeks ago and ran a pantry in the Calvary Baptist Church parking lot. The Cape Cod Hunger Network will now be running a mobile pantry once a month for the next six months. The dates are listed below and we anticipate needing 10-15 volunteers to help us run each event. Brenda will be ordering the food and we will alternate between the Falmouth Service Center driving to Boston to get the food and bringing it to Calvary and having it delivered to the Harwich drop in which case we will store the food for 2 days and then have our drivers bring the food to Calvary. Two dates are already fully staffed but we are looking for a few volunteers from 1 to 5 PM on the following dates: 4/11, 6/13, 8/8 and 9/12 Please let me Mary Anderson know if you would like to help 432-6519 x5 or . As you know many hands make light work! Volunteers needed We have 300 very dedicated, talented and resourceful volunteers but believe it or not we are always looking for a few more. Currently we are looking for volunteers to work in our vegetable garden and for our new receptionist position. If you are interested in either opportunity please contact Patty Watson via pwatson@ the family pantry .com. or 508-432-6519 on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday. I can guarantee you that the pantry volunteers are a fun crew and that you will enjoy working with them while helping our neighbors. Adopt a Plot Garden This year the pantry garden will have an adopt a plot section. If anyone is interested in having a garden and sharing some of the produce with us please contact Patty via or 508-432-6519 x 6. Sincerely, Mary Anderson Executive Director The Family Pantry of Cape Cod 133 Queen Anne Road Harwich, MA 02645 508-432-6519
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