Christine Menard posted on February 11, 2021 15:28

The Family Pantry of Cape Cod will be hosting a Grab and Go food pickup at the Barnstable High School and at Monomoy Middle School on Sunday May 19th from 8:00-10:00AM. Everyone is welcome, there is no registration required. Recipients will be given a large, full bag of nonperishable food items suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner and a 5lb bag of apples. Each bag also will contain information on the Family Pantry of Cape Cod for families/individuals who might be struggling putting food on the table. Monomoy High School is located at 75 Oak Street in Harwich, MA. This will be a drive through event.
For more information call the Family Pantry of Cape Cod at 508-432-6519 or email them at admin@thefamilypantry.com
Please see https://www.thefamilypantry.com/ for more information on the Family Pantry and the services they provide.
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