Christine Menard posted on October 19, 2018 09:50

“ Volunteers are the heart and soul of Falmouth Service Center and the new Hand-in-hand Thrift Shop (formerly Emerald House),” says executive director Brenda B. Swain. “And our new thrift shop on Sandwich Road needs volunteers, lots of volunteers; especially year-round volunteers!” The community has generously donated a wide variety of items to be sold at the recently built 6,500-square-foot space, with all proceeds going to support the Service Center. It takes many hands to effectively run the thrift shop, Ms. Swain has said, and for those who wish to be of help, “this is a community where all are welcome.” The mission of the Service Center and, by extension, the thrift store, is all about community and neighbors helping neighbors: “It is the community’s support and working together that makes this possible,” she said, “to provide services for our neighbors in need.” New residents are also encouraged to get involved, will be made to feel welcome and will quickly discover more about their community through volunteering. “The Service Center provides an opportunity for people to engage in a meaningful way in the community,” Ms. Swain said. “We’re just the middle man in a place where goodness continues to happen.” Anyone willing to lend a hand at the thrift shop is urged to visit the store at 141 Sandwich Road and to fill out a Volunteer Application at www.falmouthservicecenter.org. For questions about the thrift shop, please call 508-457-0770. The shop is open Monday through Saturday from 10 AM
141 Sandwich Road | East Falmouth | 508-457-0770 falmouthservicecenter.org
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