Joseph Aucoin posted on November 27, 2012 16:06

November 2012 E-newsletter Last week we made Thanksgiving a little more festive for 450 Cape Cod families by providing them with a turkey and all the fixings. Our new space made the distribution go very smoothly for our veteran turkey crew volunteers including Joe Dumas, Leo Dunphy, Rich Gravelin, Larry Hake, Mary Kocot, Jeanette Lynch, Dave Mahan, David McGlone, Ray Sacramone, Joyce Simonis, and Sam Simonis and we thank everyone who helped us make this happen! Magically over the holiday weekend our very own elves, Paulette & Don Gutt, transformed the pantry for the Christmas season and we are ready to go! We begin our turkey sign ups for families of three or more and toy sign ups for children 14 or younger starting November 27th! See some of the articles below for ways that you might be able to help us. Thanksgiving 2012 Thanksgiving is such a huge success at the pantry and like the academy awards we need to thank a lot of people who are the reason for our success. The Chatham Wayside Inn donated 100 turkeys and they have done so for as long as we can remember - maybe even longer! The Chatham Wayside Inn is also very good to us in so many ways throughout the year. So when you go there for what I can promise will be a fabulous dinner be sure and thank them for all that they do for The Family Pantry of Cape Cod. Bill Zammer, the new owner of Clancy's, provided us with 600 frozen apple pies for Thanksgiving! This is a great addition to our fixings. We had always provided a package of crust mix and a cake mix but apple pie is such a traditional dessert. Please be sure to thank them for becoming supporters of The Family Pantry of Cape Cod when you visit Clancy's for what I know will be another fabulous dinner! Allen Harbor Yacht Club hosted the 20th Annual "Thanks for Giving" dinner which is a wonderful time and a great fund and food raising event for us. The members of the Yacht Club cook the turkey and all the fixings and serve it piping hot to a sold out and very appreciative crowd! In addition to very reasonably priced tickets attendees are asked to bring a bag of food and the pantry truck was loaded with about 2500 pounds of food to fill our shelves. We extend a huge thank you to Commodore John Our and all the members of the Allen Harbor Yacht Club. Cape Cod Cranberry Harvest donated several cases of their delicious cranberry jelly for inclusion in our holiday baskets. Debbie and Tina have done this for as long as anyone at the pantry can recall. If you haven't tried their jelly you must do so! I am partial to the cranberry pepper jelly which is great with crackers and cottage cheese but they are all great! This year in honor of their 100 birthday celebration the Red Sox are performing 100 acts of kindness and we were fortunate to be selected as one of their beneficiaries. A group from the Red Sox office visited the pantry on November 19th and delivered 100 turkeys and sorted a bunch of food from various food drives. We are thrilled to have the support of the Red Sox and know that 2013 will be a good year! The Harwich Fire Assocation donated $500 to the pantry as part of their 5K Run Down by the Sound a few weeks ago. Firefighters/Paramedics, Leighanne Deering and Justyne Waloz and Fire/Police Dispatcher Iris McInally visted the pantry and delivered the check as well a food donations they had collected. It is our pleasure to have the support of the Harwich Fire Association and we are grateful for all that they do for our community. Christmas is coming And let's hope it is just the goose that is getting fat! We closed for a few days after Thanksgiving and our 300 volunteers are now all rested and ready to work on our Christmas program. Our very good friends at the Cape Cod Chronicle are running their 9th Annual Neighbor Helping Neighbor Campaign. The publisher, Hank Hyora, has already made his incredibly generous donation of $1000 and has set an ambitious goal of $80,000 to help us with the holidays and long winter months. Please consider donating. If everyone gives a little it helps a lot! You can donate online at or via the mail to The Family Pantry of Cape Cod, 133 Queen Anne Road, Harwich, MA 02645. Deb DeCosta from the Chronicle Office, who has always been such a great friend and cheerleader for the pantry, has has designed lovely Christmas cards featuring her photographs of holiday doors of Harwich. These lovely cards are on sale at Beach Way Sweets Shop, Dancing Spoons, Port-O-Call, Sativa, Second Glance and the pantry with the net proceeds going to the pantry. The Local Color Gallery (1652 Route 28 in West Chatham) is selling Santa Cod ornaments and donating $1 for every one that they sell. Toys Toys and More Toys Please! We are just beginning our toy program and are very thankful to Mary Hall who is chairing the Harwich Chamber of Commerce's Christmas in Harwich program. For the second year Mary has included a toy/gift collection for the children of The Family Pantry of Cape Cod. Last year we gave toys/gifts to 776 children ages 14 and younger and we expect to do a few more this year! So frankly we could use some help with this program. Anyone who would like to help can drop new unwrapped items to the following businesses who have graciously offered to be collection sites: Benson Young & Downes, Harwich Port Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank, Dennis, East Harwich & Harwich Port Commonwealth Associates, Harwich Port The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod, East Harwich Second Glance Thrift Shop, Harwich Port or at the pantry during our open hours Lastly cash is always good. if you don't have the time to shop and would like to help we welcome financial donations. Visit our website or you can mail a donation to The Family Pantry of Cape Cod, 133 Queen Anne Road, Harwich, MA 02645. You can a make this a part of the Cape Cod Chronicle's Neighbor Helping Neighbor Drive. TD Visits the pantry! Just prior to Thanksgiving TD of TD Bank along with Joy Faust and Jacqueline Mulholland visited the pantry and delivered several bags and boxes of food from their stores. TD Bank has always been a big supporter of the pantry including their Affinity Program. If you have any type of account at TD Bank (or you can open a new one!) ask to participate in the Affinity Program. If you do so, you can then select one of the non-profits in TD Bank's Affinity program and TD will annually make a donation to the non-profit based upon your account. Please note it is not your money but TD Bank's that is donated! What's not to like? Volunteers Needed We have volunteer openings Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday at the Pantry and Friday and Saturday at the Second Glance Thrift store. Please contact Patty Watson for more information at 508-432-6519, or Year End Reflections As we look back on 2012 the Family Pantry of Cape Cod is grateful to all that have helped us in any way. All donors big or small and especially our Bag a Month Ambassadors who commit to donating $25 each month. All who donate their empty recyclable plastic bottles and cans to the Dennis or Harwich transfer station, Holy Trinity, Irving Mobile in Dennisport or to the pantry. These empties are a great revenue source for us. Shoppers who visit our incredibly successful thrift shop, Second Glance, located at 563 Main Street in Harwich Port and purchase our wonderful stock of gently used clothing, jewelry and household treasures. Purchasers of Shaws or Stop & Shop food certificates from us at Christ Church Episcopal, First Congregational Church, Holy Trinity Church, the Dennis Democratic Committee, The Chatham Women's Club. Second Glance on Wednesdays and Saturday afternoons and at the pantry during open hours or by appointment. Our Hours of Operation Tuesday 10-3:30 Thursday 10-noon, 1:30-3:30 & 5-7PM Saturday 10-noon Sincerely, Mary Anderson Executive Director The Family Pantry of Cape Cod 133 Queen Anne Road Harwich, MA 02645 508-432-6519
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