Entries for November 2011
Joseph Aucoin posted on November 21, 2011 04:43

So many companies and individuals have joined with The Family Pantry's mission to serve those in need and have come forward to donate their time, serv...
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Joseph Aucoin posted on November 21, 2011 04:43

A Garden Kick-off event was held on Wednesday February 2, 2011 to introduce the Family Pantry Garden and solicit time, materials, and labor that will ...
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Joseph Aucoin posted on November 21, 2011 04:43

Many organizations make donations to The Family Pantry throughout the year but the generosity of so many is never more evident than during the Holiday...
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Joseph Aucoin posted on November 21, 2011 04:43

Can you believe that it is almost Thanksgiving again? The pantry volunteers certainly can tell because we are busier than ever. We are taking sign-ups...
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Joseph Aucoin posted on November 21, 2011 04:43

The Cranberry Valley Men's Association recently presented a $1,500
check to The Family Pantry. This money was raised from their member
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